1860 Porter Township, Delaware, Ohio

The Family Number for the Family was 1251. The family was listed at the bottom of one page and continued on the next. Listed are the following names:


Harvey Leach: Age 45; Male, Occupation: Farming; Value of Real Estate: $1200; Value of Personal Property: 300; Place of Birth: NY
Ann M Leach: Age 44: Female; Place of Birth: Ohio
Watson Leach: Age 16 ; Male; Occupation: Farming; Born in Ohio
Demeris Dunham: Age 8; Female; Place of Birth: Ohio

[Note: It is unknown why Demeris Dunham is listed with Harvey's family, but she is probably the daughter of one of Ann (Ann Moriah Dunham Leach)'s brothers. Harvey and Ann's own daughter, Dorothy, had died 4 years earlier. She would have been 14 if she had survived.]




Contact person for this website is Susan Snyder: susanleachsnyder@gmail.com