1850 Census Porter Township, Delaware County, Ohio
The 1850 U.S. Census lists Albert Gillespie Kenney (#19) and Susannah (Buzzard) Kenney (#20) as both being 47 years of age. [Note: Susannah was actually one year older than Albert and would have been 48]. They had ten children, listed as: Eliza (age 22), Joseph (age 21), Susan (age19), Sophia (age17 [ Sophia would have actually been 15, if born in 1835]), Louisa (age 14), Ellen (age 12), George W. (age 10), John (age 7), Catherine (#10) (age 7), and Alavander (age 3). Albert was farming and his real estate was valued at $2000. All of the children except Alavander attended school.
Below is a copy of the actual census:

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