The Census below shows Meek Steely (#47) and his family.
Meek is listed as a doctor. Living in his house are 9 persons including himself. The census shows 1 male 5 and under 10, 1 male 15 and under 20, 1 male 30 and under 40, 2 females under 5, 1 female 5 and under 10, 2 females 10 and under 15, and 1 female 20 and under 30. Meek would have been 42, according to his tombstone. Meek's wife Martha (Patsy) McCutcheon
(McCutchen) (#48) would have been 36 according to her birth year infered from her tombstone. Thus, the information for both Meek and Martha appears to be incorrectly recorded on the census. The female under 5 may have been Susanna Rebecca Steely (#24). Susanna was reported as born November 1839 in the 1870, 1880, and 1900 census. She was born on 29 November 1837 according to her Certificate of Death.
[Note: Immediately above Meek's family in this census is that of his older brother, John Steely. John was 55 at the time and his age is correctly documented on the census as 50 and under 60. There are 10 people living in his household.]
Immediately below is a transcribed copy of the census page. Below that is a copy of the actual census page.