# 10 h John Peter Kenney



John was the twin of Sarah Catherine Kenney #10. They were the eighth and ninth children of Albert Gillespie Kenney (#19) & Susannah Bussard (#20).


John's obituary (courtesy of Matt Kenney) is transcribed by this webmaster below. The original obituary transcription obtained from Matt is linked here. The original transcriber is unknown.


John's tombstone at East Liberty Cemetery in Porter Township, Delaware Ohio is shown below. The stone says "John P. Kenney." Next to his tombstone is an Army GAR USA Medallion. Much of the stone is too degraded to read.


Centered on the ground at the bases of the tombstones John, Sophia (his sister) and Annie (his brother Alavander's first wife), there is a fairly new plaque:


Contact person for this website is Susan Snyder: susanleachsnyder@gmail.com