244. Grace Chancellor (Married
William Hyrum Wroe (#243)
in February 1758 in Culpepper, Fredrick,
Born: 1734 in
Washington Parish of Westmoreland County of Thomas
Chancellor (#487) and Katherine
Fitzgerald Copper (#488). She was christened
in Round Hill Episcopal Church in Westmoreland County. "The church
records were destroyed during the Revolutionary War and this information
has simply been passed along as a matter of oral family tradition."
(Source: The Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled
by William C. Wroe, 1992, p. 183). (The source of all blue information on this page below is The Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled
by William C. Wroe, 1992, p. 67-70).
Died: 20
February 1804 in Shenandoah County, Virginia.
[Her siblings included:
Chancellor: (Married: Jane Monroe, daughter of Andrew and Christian (Tyler) Monroe; paternal aunt of President
James Monroe) Born: 1726 in Washington Parish, Westmoreland County,
Virginia , Died: 10 March 1815 in Prince William
County, Virginia, aged 89 years; Miscellaneous: John took his family from Westmoreland County to Prince William County after soil became depleated by repeated crops of tobacco and other agriculture.
Katherine Chancellor: (Married: Thomas Wroe in about 1764) Born: Circa 1730 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, Died: ?;
Rebecca Chancellor: (Married: Richard Wroe) Born: 20 November 1742 in Westmoreland County
Died: 30 May 1796 in Prince Willliam County, Virginia;
Chancellor: (Married: three times: Winifred ? about 1766, Sarah
Dishman in 1780, Judith Pendleton Gaines about 1785-1789) Born:1745
in Washington Parish, Westmoreland County, Virginia; Died: in Wood County,
Virginia, probably Parkersburg, West Virginia in 1823; Miscellaneous:"Thomas served as a private in the Revolutionary War and also gave provisions in support of the Continental Army. In 1780, he purchased 100 acres of land from his brother, John Chancellor. That land had been given to John by their father in his will. Most of the land lay in the northern part of Westmoreland County, but a portion of it was in the adjoining county of King George. This gave Thomas voting rights and tax requirements in both counties." Just prior to the Revolutionary War, John Chancellor, Richard Wroe and Benjamin Wroe, the brother and the brothers-in-law, respectively, of Thomas Chancellor, moved to Prince William County. Following the death of his second wife, Sarah [who died having their only child in 1782], Thomas also decided to move to the northern part of Virginia circa 1785-1789. He moved circa 1793 to Fauquier County. He moved several more times. With his 3 wives, he had at least 12 children, 2 by his first wife, 1 who died in infancy by his second wife, and at least 9 with his third wife.
Chancellor: (Married: Benjamin Wroe circa 1773-73) Born: Circa 1750, Died: between 1798 and 1811 Miscellaneous: Sarah was 11 years old when her father died in 1761 and still under 21 when her mother died in 1767. It is believed she made her home with one of her older sisters after the death of her parents and, no matter which sister it may have been, Benjamin [the man she married] was the brother of her brother-in-law.] (Source
of this blue information: The Wroe and Chancellor
Families Compiled by William C. Wroe, 1992).[Note:
Four Chancellor sisters, including Grace, married four Wroe brothers,
including William.]
She and her husband
had seven children: Original, William, Catherine (#122),
Eleanor, Rebecca, Jane, and Grace. (Source p. 184 The
Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled by William Clarke Wroe, 1992.)
Her husband died in 1781 and named
her and her son, Original, as his Executors.
According to The
Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled by William Clarke Wroe, 1992,
p. 184, "After the death of William Wroe in Westmoreland County,
his widow, Grace (Chancellor) Wroe moved to the adjoining county of
King George. Here, she was residing in 1782, when the first list of
tithables was taken, as having paid taxes on two slaves and seventy
acres of land. Then, following the pattern of her brother John Chancellor,
and of Richard and Benjamin Wroe, brothers of her deceased husband,
Grace (Chancellor) Wroe took her family to Fauquier County where they
resided a few years before settling in Shenandoah County, Virginia in
1788. Here Grace continued to reside with her son William Wroe until
her death on February 20, 1804."
"Upon the death of Grace, it became necessary
to divide the estate of her late husband, William, among the surviving
children and their heirs, as mentioned in William's will of 1781, but
that will had not provided for the possible marriage of William's children
nor had it forseen that the slaves might die or have children. A chancery
suit was initiated in Shenandoah County Court to rectify omissions in
the will and to effect an equitable distribution of William's remaining
estate; a friendly suit, necessary for settlement of the estate."
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