969. William Wroe (Married 1st: Judith Brown (#970) , daughter of Original Browne and Jane Brookes in 1697. Judith's great-grandfather came ofer from England in 1634. Married 2nd: Hannah Mason (after the death of Judith and prior to 1725). Hannah was a widow and possibly the sister-in-law of William's friend James Mason.
Born: Circa 1670 in England of Unknown Father (#1,937) and Unknown Mother (#1,938)
Died: 1730 in Westmoreland County Virginia (He died between February 8, 1726, when he wrote his will, and September 30, 1730, when his will was proved (submitted for probate.)
[His siblings, are unknown. However, according to The Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled by William Clarke Wroe, 1992, p. 27, "William Wroe was said to have had two brothers and five sisters, and all lived in Lancashire, England. Family. Family tradition has perpetuated the belief that William and both his brothers came to America; he to Virginia while one brother went to a northern settlement and the other to the south. One of the brothers may have been named Bunce Wroe. The other brother may possibly have been named Absolom Wroe. I have considerable information on the descendants of the latter, but as yet have not been able to prove with certainty that either Bunce or Absolom were the brothers of William].
Miscellaneous Information:
In The Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled by William Clarke Wroe, 1992, p. 25-26, William Clark Wroe states, "According to A Dictionary of Surnames, published by Oxford University Press, the surname WROE is a 'habitation' name from any number of places in Northern England." There are a variety of spellings: "Wra," "Wrey," and "Wray." The word means "nook," "corner," "recess," and "a remote or isolated place."
William came to America as a young man.
Page 27 of William Clarke Wroe's document states, "William appears variously in the Westmoreland County records as William Roe and William Wroe. There is no doubt that 'Wroe' is the correct spelling, since this is borne out by entries in the family Bible, in wills and other documents. Other spellings are generally attributed to phonetic interpretations by court clerks and other persons; however, there were some instances of descendants deliberately using the spelling Rowe."
William and Judith had seven children: Original #485, William, Richard, Mary, Judith, Elizabeth, and Sarah. (Source of information about Original's siblings: The Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled by William Clarke Wroe, 1992, pages 27-30).
William and Hannah had no children.
After William's death, Hannah married John Middleton.
Evidently, Hannah died before William's will was proved and William Browne, [who was possibly the brother of his first wife, Judith and who had been named in the will, along with Hannah as executors ], declined to act as executor, so the court appointed William's eldest son, Original, as Administrator of his father's estate.
[Note: The source of the will below is Appendix 17 of The Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled by William Clarke Wroe, 1992, page 491.]
Will of William Wroe (16?? - 1730
Written February 8, 1725/6 - Proved October 13, 1730
( Deed Book #8, p. 138 or 188)
In the name of God Amen, I, William Wroe of Washington Parish Westmoreland County, being sick and weak, but of perfect sense, mind, and memory thanks be to God- do make, appoint and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. First and principally I give and bequeave my Soul into the hands of Almighty God not doubting but Trusting through the ??? and passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeamer to receive forgiveness of all my many fold sins and wickedness and my body to the Earth hopeing at the last day to receive a joyfull and glorious Resurrection and as for what Worldly Estate which it hath pleased God far beyond my desires to bestow upon me, I give & bequeave and devise as followeth,Item; I give and bequeave unto my loving Wife my negro woman Bess during hur naturall life and upon my wifes death I give said negro Bess to my son Originall Wroe #485.Item: I give and bequeave unto my loving son William Wroe my moulato girl Liza. Item: I give and bequeave unto my loving son Richard Wroe my moulato girl Jane and my molato boy Ben. Item: I give and bequeave unto my said son Richard Wroe all my coopers tooles. Item: I give and bequeave unto my daughter Mary a cow and calf to be paid hur by my Exect. the next October ???.Item: I give and bequeave unto my daughter Elizabeth Wroe a feather bead and furniture to be paid hur upon the day of marriage. Item: I give and bequeave unto my daughter Sarah Wroe a feather bead and furniture to be paid hur upon the day of marriage. Item: I give and bequeave unto my daughter Judith Wroe a feather bead and furniture to be paid hur upon the day of marriage. Item: My Will and desire is that my estate be not apraised. Item: I give and bequeave unto my loving wife all my personal estate not before given -- during her naturall life or to the day of marriage and my Will is that at either of those times their may be three honest men not conce???ined appointed to ??? said estate passed to my wife amongst my children. Item: I give and bequeave unto Margrett???? twenty shillings. Item: my will and desire is that my two youngest daughters Elizabeth Wroe and Sarah Wroe too stay and remaine with my loving wife Hannah Wroe until they shall arive to age of eighteen. I do appoint my loving wife Hannah Wroe Exect. and my loving friend William Browne Exect. of this my last will and testament revoking and annulling of all will and testaments before made by me. As witness my hand and seal this 8th day of February 1725/6. ---
his |
***** |
William X Wroe |
*SEAL* |
mark |
***** |
Sin'd Seal'd and delivered
in the presents of us
Francis Triplett
Elizabetth X Anderson
Witnessed at a court held for this County this 30th day of September 1730.---Original W son of William Wroe ??? presented into court this last will and testament of the decedent, which was proved by the oaths of the witnesses thereto and was admitted to record, and for as much as William Browne the surviving executor in the will named refused in open court the ??? of the execution hereof, on motion of the said Original Wroe and his giving Daniel Higdon & Robert Wickliff his securities according to law Certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of administration with this will answered on the decedants estate in due form.
Recorded the thirteenth day of October 1730
[Note: Francis Triplett, who signed as a witness above, may have been William's nephew. William's first wife, Judith Browne #970, had a sister, Mary, whose first marriage was to Francis Triplett. Mary and Francis had a son, also named Francis Triplett. ]

Contact person for this website is Susan Snyder: susanleachsnyder@gmail.com