The Census below shows Meek Steely (#47) and his family.
Living in his household were 6 people including himself, one male under 5 years of age, 2 males of 20 and under 30, one female under 5 years of age, one female of 10 and under 15, and one female of 20 and under 30.
It is unknown who the younger males and females were, but one of the older males had to be Meek, and the female of 20 and under 30 was likely Martha (Patsy) McCutcheon
(McCutchen) (#48), Meek's wife. The census record is incorrect in recording Meek's age as 20 to 29. Meek would have been 32 in 1830 if he was 67 in 1865, as recorded on his tombstone. In 1830, his wife, Martha, would have been 26, according to her tombstone information.
Immediately below is a transcribed copy of the census page. Below that is a copy of the actual census page.