Custom Hause Philadelphia- Entered Inwards
Sloop John & William, Constable Tymperton, from Dover.
Sunday last arrived here Capt. Tymberton, in 17 Weeks from Rotterdam with 220 Palatines, 44 died in the Passage. About 3 Weeks ago, the Passengers, dissatisfied with the length of the Voyage, were so imprudent as to make a Mutiny, and being the stronger Party have ever since had the Government of the Vessel, giving Orders from among themselves to the Captain and Sailors, who were threatened with Death in case of Disobedeience. Thus having Sight of Land, they carried the Vessel twice backwards and forwards between our Capes and Virginia, looking for a Place to go ashore they knew not where. At length they compell’d the Sailors to cast Anchor near Cape May, and 8 of them took the Boat by Force and went ashore; from whence they have been five Days coming up by Land to this Place, where they found the Ship arrived. Those concern’d in taking the Boat are committed to Prison.