[Note: The map shows his neighbors were George Meese, Lawrance Fisher, and Henry Christ. To the northeast is “Vacant Land”]
“By Virtue of a Warrant Dated the 7” day of August 176 [?]. Surveyed
the 21” day of November 1765. to Ulrich Steanhl. The above described
Tract of Land. Situate in Bethel 031 Township Lancaster County. Con-
taining one hun[dred] and four Acres and Thirteen perches and the allowance
of six [?] cents.”
[ ? ]
Jn Scull
“IN TESTIMONY that the above is a copy of the original remaining on file in the
Department of Internal Affairs of Pennsylvania, made con-
forably to an Act of Assembly approved the 16th day of
February, 1833. I have hereunto set my Hand and caused
the Seal of said Department to be affixed at Harrisburg, this
seventh___________ day of January___________1896___
James W. Latta
Secretary of Internal Affairs”