Ulrick Steely (#185) Chart Information

This Chart information was originally created by George Steely (1873-1953), and later organized by Robert Steely in 2007 [Note: Ulrick, father of Gabriel (#93), was born in 1726, not in 1716 as stated in this chart. The references to being imported on the ship Pink Plaisance and to acres in Lancaster and Bucks Counties, are referring to a different Ulrick, not the father of Gabriel. The references to Cumberland County, Derry Township and the 1790 U.S. Census refer to the correct Ulrick in this genealogical study (ie. the father of Gabriel. (Source of all pink font is credited to Bruce W. Stahley, author of From Sigriswil to Nappanee: 300 years of Stahli History). (Source of all dark gray font below is credited to Jeff Steely)


Contact person for this website is Susan Snyder: susanleachsnyder@gmail.com