Revolutionary War Pension Testimonial by William Bonifield, 26 March 1850
for the family of William Love
A transcript follows the document:
State of Ohio
Muskingum County.. On this 26 day of March in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and fifty One, Personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace withe and for the County and state afore said William Bonifield Sr. aged about 82 years a resident of Hopewell Township in the County of Muskingum in the State of Ohio who was formerly a Resident of the County of Shenandoah in the State of Virginia who after being duly sworn according to law declares upon his oath afore said that he was personally acquainted with William Love & Winford his wife who resided in said County of Shenandoah as man and wife between the years 1791 and 1803 that they were married about the year 1791 and lived to gether as man and wife for 10 to 12 years when he William Love became deranged and were taking to the Eastern Lunatic Asylum at Williamsburg in the said State of Virginia he declares that he was at the wedding that he was present and heard the ceremony of solemnization pernounced by the Rev James Ireland, the ceremony was said on the bank of the Shenandoah River the River being high or swelen the said Ireland came over in a canoe from the opposite side of the river, by previous agreement, he further states that he is now in his 82 year of his age and that he was about 20 years of age when the said marriage took place and that Winford Love name before marriage was Winford Carney, he further states that they had several children the oldest was named Samuel and the Second one Charles the next of the Children names he does not recollect.
William Bonifield Sr.
Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year above written and I hereby certify that I believe the said Wm Bonifield is to be of the age above stated and that he is a man in whose testimony full confidence ought to be given.
David Sherrard Jr. J.P. (Seal)
The State of Ohio
Muskingham County
I, Anthony Wilkins, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in and for said County, hereby certify that David Sherrard Jr. Esq, before whom the foregoing was taken and [illegible words] of the same to wit, on the 26th day of March, A.D. 1851, an acting Justice of the Peace in and for said County, duly commissioned and qualified, and that his signature aforesaid is genuine. In witness whereof I, research clerk, thereto set my hand and also affix the seal of said Court, at Zanesville, this 29th day of March, A.D. 1851.
Anthony Wilkins, Clerk
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