241. John Payne (Pain): (Married:
Mary Freeman (#242) in 1758.) (Source: Ancestry.com source book Captain John Pain. A quote from the book (page 63) states: In a volume of marriages in New Jersey Archives, 1st Series, volume 22, page 295, we read 'John Pain married, 1758, Mary Freeman, both of Woodbridge."
Born: 13 September 1740 (1740) in Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey (according to LDS) of Peter Pain (#481) and Unknown Mother
Died: 16 October
1781 (October 15, 1781) (October 15, 1781 in the Fortyfirst year of his life) in Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey. His will was probated October 25, 1781. The
tombstone of Captain and his wife are in the Presbyterian Church Cemetery
at Rahway, New Jersey. (Source: The
Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled by William C. Wroe, p. 269).
(Source: James Payne's Bible) [Note: His tombstone says October 16th , the DAR, the book Captain John Pain, and James Payne's Bible say the 15th]
[His siblings, if any, are unknown.]
In Dally's "History of Woodbridge, New Jersey," page 221, there is mentioned, 'as conspicuous in enforcing existing law as against non-combattants,' a Captain John Pain." (Source: Ancestry.com source book Captain John Pain, Page 63. )
John lived
in Rahway, New Jersey, was a Captain
during the Revolutionary War, and was shot from his horse during the
war. (Source: The
Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled by William C. Wroe, p. 269).
As quoted from The Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled by William C. Wroe, p. 268 & 269, "Dr. Moses Payne's granddaughter, Mrs. Catherine (Payne) Radcliffe, left a written record in which she states her grandfather, Dr. Moses Payne, was born in or near Newark, New Jersey." "He was the second son of Captain John Payne of Rahway, New Jersey (who was shot from his horse during the Revolutionary War,) and his wife Mary, daughter of Samuel Freeman."
Captain John Payne lived on a road, west of Rahway, where the skirmish of Ash Swamp was fought. He, Captain Payne, was shot from his horse and found dead, his foot in the stirrup. He had been attending a meeting of safety at Bridgeton. At the time of this battle, the home of Captain Payne and Mary Freeman, his wife, was completely devastated by the British. The soldiers took their beds, ripping apart the feather ticks and casting the feathers to the winds. These ticks were then filled with all available materials - linen-clothing and all moveable things. There was a large family of boys, sons of John Payne. Their names were Daniel, who went to Virginia, John a carpenter, to New York, Jonathan a farmer, adjoining his father's farm, Moses (#121) went to Genese county, James the youngest, also went to Genese county. The son, Isaac, lived on the farm, with his father until he was an old man. He fell from a loft in the barn and died immediately. Isaac had a family of four girls and one son. In all there were 36 grand-children and twenty of them lived to be over 80 years of age." (Source: Ancestry.com online sourceThe Brown Family p. 64.)
The following is a DAR Record: Ancestor # A086032. The name on the record is John Paine. Service: New Jersey; Rank Captain; Birth: 9/13/1740 Middlesex Co New Jersey; Death: 10/15/1781 Rahway Essex Co New Jersey. Service source: N.J. Rev War Slips: Single Citations of the NJ DOD Materials, FHL Roll #571310, MSS #834, 7403, 10256, 10301, 10408, 10415; Service Description: Maj Clarkson Edgar, 1st Batt, Middlesex Co Militia; also 1LT, Capt Mathias Baker, Also Lt. Capts John Shaw, Vanderveer; Residence: Rahway, County Essex Co, NJ; Spouse: Mary Freeman.
The tombstones of Captain and Mrs. Payne are in the Presbyterian Church at Rahway, New Jersey. John's stone reads:
"In memory of Captain
John Payne
who departed this life
Oct. ye 16, 1781
in the 41 year of his
Behold me here as you
pass by
Who blead and dy'd for
From British tirants now
I'm free
My friends prepare to
follow me"
The Will of John Pain, is in the New Jersey Historical Society of Newark, Jersey. It was Proved and Probated Nov. 14 and 18, 1781. (Source: Ancestry.com online source Captain John Pain Page 63.) Below is a transcript of the will that appears in the ancestry.com link toCALENDAR OF WILLS- 1781-1785 P. 297.
1781. Oct. 3 . Pain, John, of Middlesex Co.; will of. Wife, Mary, £100. Son, Issac my home plantation, which was bequeathed to me by my father, Peter Pain; and he is to pay to my son, Moses, £150, when 21. Son, Jonathan, plantation I bought of James Bonny, of 40 acres; and he is to pay to his brother, John, £25; also to his brother not yet named, £ 25. Daughter, Mary Pain, moveable estate. Daughter, Hannah Pain, also moveable estate. Executors-wife, Mary, and friend, Henry Marsh. Witnesses - Benjamin Shotwell, Cornelius Roberts, James Bonney. Proved Nov. 14, 1781. Lib. 24, p. 46
Lifetime Events Summary for Captain John Payne:
Event |
Date |
John's age |
Birth |
September 13, 1740 |
0 |
Marriage |
1758 |
18 |
Birth of his children |
1759 - 1781 |
19 - 41 |
~ 1763 |
23 |
Revolutionary War |
1775 - 1783 |
35 - Death |
Death |
October 15, 1781 |
41 |
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Contact person for this website is Susan Snyder: susanleachsnyder@gmail.com