62,209. George Chancler (Married: Unknown (#62,210)) (Source: All blue information is The Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled by William Clarke Wroe, 1992, p 30-31.)
Born: ? of Unknown Father (#124,417) and Unknown Mother (#124,418)
Died: ?
[His siblings, if any are unknown]
Miscellaneous Information:
"The oldest charter still possessed by the [Chancellor] family, dated 4 March 1434, is one which is referred to in 'The Memorie of the Sommervilles,' and was granted by Thomas Sommerville [the 1st Lord Somerville], 'Dominus Baronie de Carnwath,' to George Chancler, of [the lands of "Sheidhill" [Shieldhill] and half the lands of Quadquan. [Quothquan]. The source of purple is a website titled Stravaiging Around Scotland,
This charter states that George Chancler having resigned the lands into the hands of his lord-superior, Lord Sommerville, they are confirmed to him to be held as freely and honourably as his ancestors held them.
In the 'Memorie of the Sommervilles,' it is stated that a firm friendship existed between the Lords Somerville and the Chancellors of Shield Hill and Quadquan, as far back as the time of Robert the Bruce." [11 July 1274 - 7 June 1329]. [Robert the Bruce was King of Scots from 1306 until his death in 1329].
"Quothquan seems to have been the main seat of the [Chancellor] family until the 16th century.
"George Chancellor, to whom the lands of Quadquan were confirmed was succeeded by his son Alexander, to whom the charter was renewed in 1460, and a son and heir, George Chanceler (#31,105), also obtained a charter, 1472, wherein he is styled "Nobilis Vir Georgius Chanceler Dominius de Quadquan;"
George and his wife had at least two children: Alexander and George Chanceler (#31,105).

Contact person for this website is Susan Snyder: susanleachsnyder@gmail.com