7,777. William Chancellor (Married: Agnes Hamilton (#7,778), daughter of Sir James Hamilton, of Crawfurdjohn, Baron of Evandale) (Source: All blue information is The Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled by William Clarke Wroe, 1992, p. 31).
Born: ? of William Chanceler (#15,553) and Margaret Hamilton (#15,554).
Died: ?
[His siblings, if any are unknown]
Miscellaneous Information:
"William joined the adherents of Queen Mary in 1567, and fought in her favour at the battle of Langside, in consequence of which his house at Quadquan was demolished by the enemy."
"Quothquan seems to have been the main seat of the family until the 16th century, and in 1533 a William Chancellor was described as the owner of Shieldhill, Quothquan and Cormiston. William fought for Mary Queen of Scots at the Battle of Langside, but following the victory of the Earl of Moray, troops were sent out to burn the castles and houses of Mary’s supporters, including Quothquan. The Chancellors then moved to their other property Shieldhill which became their main seat." (The source of purple is a website titled Stravaiging Around Scotland.)
William and Agnes had at least one child, Robert Chancellor (#3,889).

Contact person for this website is Susan Snyder: susanleachsnyder@gmail.com