975. Dr. John Cooper (Married 1st: Lady Katherine Fitzgerald (#976), the 16 year-old, kidnapped heiress of Ireland in 1703/4; Married 2nd: Madam Hannah (Keene) Bushrod Allerton of Bushfield, Westmoreland County in 1724, after is first wife's death. (Source of blue on this page is: The Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled by William Clarke Wroe, 1992 p. 66-
Born: 16??
Died: 1734/5
[His siblings, if any, are unknown].
Miscellaneous Information:
"Dr. John Cooper (16??-1734/5) was the son of the Cooper Family who had adopted Katherine Fitzgerald (#976). He became a practicing physician in Westmoreland County, Virginia. A 1684 record shows a bill he placed against Richard Page for 'cures and phisicks done and given him and his servants.'"
John Cooper and wife Lady Katherine Fitzgerald had one child, Katherine Fitzgerald #488.
"Thomas Chancellor and Katherine Fitzgerald Cooper, according to family oral tradition, are said to have eloped. Nevertheless, Dr. Cooper followed the custom of the times by making a gift to his newly married daughter and son-in-law. On March 6, 1724, he conveyed by deed 100 acres of land in Nominy, Westmoreland County, 'for and in consideration of the paternal love and affection which I have and do bear unto my son-in-law Thomas Chancellor and for the present advancement of my daughter Katherine, his wife, to them and their heirs forever- said 100 acres formerly purchased by me 1 August 1720 of John Shapperd.' Dr. Cooper also gave the young couple 'one Negro slave named Sam,' the latter transaction recorded April 29, 1724." (Source of this quote is The Wroe and Chancellor Families Compiled by William Clarke Wroe, 1992, page 67.)
"After the death of his wife, Katherine, Dr. Cooper was married again in 1724 to Madam Hannah (Keene) Bushrod Allerton (1676-1739 of Bushfield, Westmoreland County. She was the widow of Col. John Bushrod and Col. Willoughby Allerton, both of Westmoreland County." He and Hannah had no children.
"Dr. Cooper was a landowner in Westmoreland County and died leaving a will dated October 12, 1734 and proved March 28, 1735. In green below is documentation of his mentioning Hannah (his wife), Katherine Chancellor (his daughter), John Chancellor (his grandson), and Thomas Chancellor (his son-in-law) in the will.
The Virginia County Record Publications New Series Volume 1 Westmoreland County, Edited By The Late William Armstrong Crozier, (Editor of the Virginia County Records etc. etc.) and published posthumously by Mrs. Wm. Armstrong Crozier, Published in 1913, page 41 states:
"COOPER, JOHN, 12 Oct. 1734; 25 Mch. 1735
Wife Hannah; dau. Katherine Chancellor; grandson John Chancellor; son in law Thomas Chancellor."

Contact person for this website is Susan Snyder: susanleachsnyder@gmail.com